B2C Marketplace Platform With our huge expertise in the software development domain, we have successfully created a B2C marketplace platform to help clients establish successful businesses.

B2C Marketplace Platform

The consumer friendly B2C digital platform that incorporates the functions like account registration, shopping cart, finalizing order, payment, picking list, farm shop, packing, and delivery.

Client Requirement

  • The client needs a B2C marketplace app for iOS and Android, and website like Depop.
  • He wants a website in which Users can browse and purchase products from this platform and sellers can post items on the website to increase their sales.
  • Sellers will be able to attract customers through a website as well as from the app.
  • The payment app should have payment functionality like Depop.
  • He wants the functionality to be able to take a % commission from each sale depending on which price bracket the sale falls within.
  • There would be four types of users who can register on the app.
    • Consumers
    • Shop owners or sellers
    • Drivers
    • Market Place Administrators or Admin Staff
  • The client also wants an API for the Mobile Apps of Market Hall.
B2C Platform

Our Approach to Develop Project

Developing a B2C marketplace platform involves several key stages, each of which requires careful planning, execution, and management. We followed the below execution steps for the development of the desired applications:

  1. 01
    Ideation and Research:

    In this stage, our team brainstormed and researched various market trends, customer needs, and competitors' platforms. Our goal was to identify a unique selling point for the platform and understand what features would be most attractive to potential customers.

  2. 02
    Platform Designing and Functionality Development:

    Once the customer needs were identified, the next step was to design the platform's user interface and user experience. Under this step we created, wireframes and prototypes to test various design concepts, ensuring that the platform was intuitive and easy to use.

  3. 03
    Platform Development:

    With the design in place, we began the platform's development. We designed GUI, responsive UI/UX, database, architecture, server, API, frontend, and backend. The team used an agile development methodology, allowing for continuous feedback and iteration.

  4. 04
    Live User Testing, Debugging, and Quality Assurance:

    Once the platform was developed, it underwent rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure that it was functioning as expected and that there were no bugs or errors. This stage involved both manual and automated testing, as well as user acceptance testing.

  5. 05
    Go Live:

    After performance testing the platform is ready to go live to the public. To attract early adopters and generate buzz around the platform's launch, we run marketing and promotional campaign.

  6. 06
    Growth and Scaling:

    Once the platform was launched, the team focused on growing and scaling the platform. This involved monitoring user behavior and feedback to identify improvements and new features. Additionally, to handle rising traffic and user activity, the team scaled the platform's infrastructure.

Technologies Deployed

  • For Database: MS SQL Server 2017
  • For Web based Application: C#, .Net Framework 4.5 , Web API, HTML5, Ajax, JavaScript, J-Query, Angular 7
  • For Android App: Java, Eclipse, Android Development Framework.
  • For Apple App: iOS Framework, Swift
  • For Hosting Server: IIS
  • For Environment: Amazon Web Services (EC2)

Development & Implementation

A. Shops Module

Businessmen/Sellers need a portal so they can log in to sell/register items or any business. They can also manage the drivers under their contract if delivery is outsourced.

  • Create Shop Profile
  • Login
  • Manage password
  • Manage User Profiles
  • Manage settings
  • Manage Product List
  • Manage Price list
  • Manage Offers
  • Manage incoming orders
  • Confirm packing list
  • Print labels
  • Auto Message Delivery Man/Driver
  • Manage sales dashboard
  • Manage incoming payment
  • Contact Market place

B. Consumer Module

On this portal, customers can log in and search for the services that local shops or business owners are offering in their area. After making a successful purchase or order request, the user receives an email with an estimated pick-up time and location tracking details for the driver. Customers can track their orders on the portal and pay using a credit card or net banking.

  • Create Profile
  • Login
  • Manage password
  • Profile settings
  • Order Products
  • Ask instant offer
  • Edit shopping cart
  • Checkout shopping cart
  • Order delivery
  • Pay Order
  • Claim money back
  • Track Order
  • Manage Loyalty Dashboard

C. Delivery Man Module

Every time an order request is made, all drivers are notified via text or app alerts and instructed to accept the order. The job will be given to the person who accepts the request. Drivers can track the location of a tow request from the pickup point to the drop-off location. When the delivery is successful, the money is transferred to the driver's account after deducting convenience fees.

Features in the Delivery Man’s Module:
  • Create Profile
  • Login
  • Manage Profile
  • Manage Password
  • Settings
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Price list
  • Manage shop pick-up
  • Manage Consumer Delivery
  • Auto Message Shop
  • Manage dashboard individual settings
  • Manage incoming payment settings
  • Contact marketplace

D. Admin Panel

The administrator can manage all three modules (customers, drivers, and shops) from his panel.

  • Login to the admin Page with authorized credentials
  • View and manage user permissions,
  • Delete user accounts if they seem suspicious.
  • Manage Delivery man Module
  • Perform Dispute management
  • Manage Shop Module
  • Provide Customer support
  • Acces and manage the database
  • Manage product reviews and Ratings.

Ideal flow of the process

  1. 01
    Make a request:

    The customer will request an order on the web.

  2. 02
    Get Quotes:

    He will get the quotes with an estimated delivery time and price. (eg. 30 Min & 100 Usd).

  3. 03
    Accept and Pay:

    Customers can accept the quotes and make payments.

  4. 04
    Order Confirmed:

    Action will be taken as per the order or service required.

Final Outcome

What Our Clients Say About Us

Client satisfaction is our ultimate goal. Here are some kind words of our precious clients they have used to express their satisfaction with our service.